Sunday, November 22, 2009

17 Again

Have you ever wanted to be young when you were a teenager? Did you ever wanted to go back so that you could change things and make them go your way? Well “17 Again” is all about a guy who wishes he was a teenager again and could choose better in life as currently he is not going through a good time and his marriage is at stake (at the divorce doors).

Mike O’Donnell re-lives cannot believe it when he just re-lives his life as a teenager when he wanted to and thought he could have chosen better when he was young, but when he goes through all over again he starts feeling that he was wrong and what he desired and chose 20 years back as a teenager was right and the best of his decisions ever made.

Mike gets a chance to be with his son and daughter at the high school and that is when he realises about a lot of things which he has been missing in his life all this time and perhaps has been ignoring. It’s always about what and who do you choose in your life and that is what Mike realises re-living his life as a teenager and also winning the hearts of his loving family.

The movie might make you as well, realise a few small things that you have always forgotten and have been worrying too much lately. A punch of humour and comedy that would make you not just smile but also laugh. Again a definite recommendation for those who really need a laugh and at the same time life’s learning’s, 3.5/5 is what it deserves to get.

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