Sunday, November 22, 2009

He is just that not into you

Alright, I really and seriously do not know what I should write about this movie. Well it’s all about what a girl/women interprets when a man has to say something to her. This movie is about showing how women end up assuming things which men do not tend to say and at time assuming them in a wrong way. It is about how women try to pull men into things which do not actually interest the men and always have to say to each other (just to console) he definitely loves you, he is really missing you when that is actually not the case on the men’s side.

It is a story about married couples, unmarried and living in, looking to get into a relationship, in a relationship but confused and looking for more being in a relationship. At the end as it always is, true love wins over everything and there is nothing beyond true love.

Some find it in the partner they are with and some find it outside crossing the boundaries after all it’s all you want in your lives (true love). Women seem to be more demanding when it comes to love and men do not seem to respond and always feel it as a complication and problem. This movie is just about how people desperately want to love and be loved.

It takes you through all ups and downs we now-a-days see in real life between couples but at the same time it sends out a good message of how you can keep moving in life with your relationships. A sweet movie with lots of drama, passion, emotion and comedy as well. Not really a bad watch, 3.5/5 is it deserves on a whole.

17 Again

Have you ever wanted to be young when you were a teenager? Did you ever wanted to go back so that you could change things and make them go your way? Well “17 Again” is all about a guy who wishes he was a teenager again and could choose better in life as currently he is not going through a good time and his marriage is at stake (at the divorce doors).

Mike O’Donnell re-lives cannot believe it when he just re-lives his life as a teenager when he wanted to and thought he could have chosen better when he was young, but when he goes through all over again he starts feeling that he was wrong and what he desired and chose 20 years back as a teenager was right and the best of his decisions ever made.

Mike gets a chance to be with his son and daughter at the high school and that is when he realises about a lot of things which he has been missing in his life all this time and perhaps has been ignoring. It’s always about what and who do you choose in your life and that is what Mike realises re-living his life as a teenager and also winning the hearts of his loving family.

The movie might make you as well, realise a few small things that you have always forgotten and have been worrying too much lately. A punch of humour and comedy that would make you not just smile but also laugh. Again a definite recommendation for those who really need a laugh and at the same time life’s learning’s, 3.5/5 is what it deserves to get.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days !!

A beautiful romantic comedy of all time I would say and a Hollywood movie that just made me cry, I can't believe it either. I am talking about "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) is a writer with one of the most famous fashion magazines in New York but has always loved to write not just about fashion but about politics, news and lots other stuff apart from fashion. It's a chance that she needs and when given an opportunity by her boss to write whatever she feels good about just after an article on how girls blow up with their boy friend’s seeking example of her friend who just had a break up with her boy friend last night.

Andie takes up this opportunity and wants to write it her way by getting to know a guy, date with him and then blow up with him on the tenth day after all it's all about losing a guy in 10 days. On the other hand Benjamin (Matthew McConaughey) an advertisement executive bets for wooing a girl in 10 days and bets it for a higher opportunity he wants to grab at job. And guess what both Andie and Ben end up meeting each other and trying all sorts of things to win for their own benefit.

How would Andie ever try and breakup with a guy who is trying to really woo her and how Ben would try to woo a lady who is trying to breakup with her. You got to see this flick and enjoy the roads and paths it takes you all along and makes you laugh, enjoy and cry as well. In the end as it is always said the journey to the destination called love never fails and that is what you got to look out for. A Thumbs Up for this beautiful romantic comedy from my side. Definitely if you love Andie and Ben it’s got to be a part of your personal collection too. My personal rating goes a 4 on 5.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It might sound common to some people if I say exceptional, as Hollywood action movies are always full of Special Effects and nothing extraordinary in it. It might give you a feeling that 2012 is just another Hollywood flick with same action scenes, special effects and fight against the problems which we might experience in the future but believe it or not one of the most amazing movies in recent times I have seen.

It all starts with an Indian scientist rather a Geologist identifying that there is something very serious occurring beneath the earth and the world is about to experience the worst time which might even end up destroying the entire world and nothing would exist and from then on it is the fight against the nature and how this massive destruction would affect the lives of people across the globe and would anyone survive the transformation planet earth is about to undergo.

Amazing special effects and picturization. A definite watch and that too at a theatre near you. Thumbs up and a full 5/5 points from my side for this latest flick. Just ignore the people who are saying nothing really to watch for in the movie.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Chapter Chennai Closed !!

It all started on 29th May, 2009 when I got a call from my manager in Bangalore telling me that there was a requirement in Hyderabad although it was not for a US client and whether I would be interested in taking it up? How could I miss a chance to come back to Hyderabad (my hometown, my family, my friends). I instantly accepted the offer and asked him to do the needful. Haah... but since it was a Friday no discussion, nothing would be on until Monday (1st June, 2009). Well it always happens with me that I get a call informing me that I am being referred to some project and it is always on a Friday and I have to always wait until Monday. I know how I spend my weekends thinking and preparing for the discussion and this time it was the most important interview/discussion I was about to face because if I cleared through I would land up in my hometown and that too with a project.

Somehow the weekend passed by and as I was eagerly waiting for the call for discussion at the same moment I was a bit tensed also. Well as awaited and expected I did get a call on Monday but was from the consultant of the project and she ended up asking me about my work experience and telling me that I will get a call from the concerned Project Manager for a technical discussion. I did get a call from the Project Manager but I had to wait for 24 hours since he had called up only on the next day and that too after reminding the consultant that I haven't received any calls yet. I must say it was a call (that too an interview call within the organization) I have been looking forward to, afterall as said if everything went fine it would land me in Hyderabad. The Project Manager interviewd me in ETL tool Informatica and BO and the inerview lasted for an hour. Post the technical discussion the Project Manager told me that the Delivery Manager would have a discussion with me very soon and there would also be a Client interview scheduled but not in the same week and in the next week. Now this is again called luck. I already had waited for a long time I felt and 1 more week? It seemed as if the road to Hyderabad was not so easy as I was expecting. The next day (2nd June, 2009) I got a call from the Delivery Manager in the evening and he discussed about the role I would be playing in the project and what were the expectations from me. As per the discussion with the Delivery Manager it seemed as if 1 more week and I shall be in Hyderabad.

Days passed by and it was getting tougher and tougher to survive in Chennai with the thought that made me feel really happy (I will be going to Hyderabad very soon). After a long wait and repeated trouble (actually not trouble) to my manager the date for the Client interview was fixed and it was after a complete 20 days of the interview that the Projet Manager had taken and 25 days after I was actually referred for the project. Finally the D Day arrived and I was really tensed and as well excited as this discussion/interview with the client would bring change into my life. The Client interview went on fine as per me although I was bowled over completely by his very first question itself but then I regained and picked it from there and ended up quite satisfactorily.

25th June, 2009: The day when I can say the most happiest moment of life occured until now, at 12:05 PM I got an email from the Consultant who had called me on the very first day for the requirement stating that the Client had given a go ahead for my on-boarding into the project and that I was supposed to report in Hyderabad starting the next week. I could hardly believe what I read in that email and kept reading the email for no. of times over the next few days. I was all geared up to come back to Hyderabad and did not want to waste any time and that is what I did, I took the next day (Friday - 26-June-2009) bus and reached Hyderabad on Saturday (27-June-2009) morning. As I reached Hyderabad the only words I had was "Chapter Chennai Closed"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Learn to accept what you can't change

As intellectually evolved beings, we constantly analyse all events and endeavour to identify the underlying likely cause. This obsession for a

cause extends even to actions or events of a past birth.

It compels us to look into outer space and implicate the movement of celestial bodies like stars and planets to serve as plausible causes.

Science has, to a large extent, been able to explain physical phenomena. But finding a cause for every mundane facile event might be taking things a bit too far. When the cause of suffering is diagnosed to be a person, it leaves one with a sense of victimhood. And along with it come anguish, resentment and a deep desire for retribution. This process continues unabated and over time becomes a stockpile of hate.

The feeling of hate, initially restricted to the individual, tends to be highly contagious and one day it could acquire epidemic proportions. All violence, racial discord and inter-personal strife are just manifestations of this perceived 'victimisation' that is derived from our obsession to somehow fix the blame.

Can our intellect be diverted towards fixing the problem? Can we, at the apex of the evolutionary pyramid, be redeemed from the curse of this blame game? Can't we accept events as just a pattern emerging in the kaleidoscope of life, the pattern which has no bias or machinations towards any individual being? In reacting lies a sense of insecurity, a sense of threat perception and inevitably a sense of being a victim of conspiracy. This approach only leads to further suffering. Constant threat perception is the genesis of insecurity. Over a period this induces metabolic changes in the body leading to a host of ailments.

We have the choice of continuously resenting whatever comes our way or equanimously accepting the same. Liberation is when we intelligently accept people and circumstances as they come. A state of zero resentment. Rather than asking 'why' it would be more prudent to question ourselves 'how'. How do i fix the problem?

The conspiracy theorists are also egotists because they believe that they are the obsession of the conspirators. Every person is leading his own life and solving his own problems. No one really has the time to target another individual to the exclusion of other activities.

Harbouring bitterness makes the person an eternal sceptic. Regret and unconditional apologies from the perceived perpetrator are celluloid events far from reality. What can be set right is neither the circumstances nor the other person but our (mis)understanding.

Memory is recorded in the dominant temporal lobe, which also houses the limbic system. The limbic system is one of the oldest neurological constructs and is responsible for all interactive behaviour by the organism. It is intricately interwoven with survival and procreation.

The limbic system is responsible for emotional templates as well. So it is possible that every byte of data stored is coupled with an emotional pixel as well. It may have its origins in survival mechanisms. Every person or object is recorded with an element of pleasure or pain to help the organism in future interactions. But then evolution of the frontal lobes in humans makes for finer data processing. It provides for intelligent acceptance of the vagaries of persons and events beyond the binary code of either pleasure or pain.

Courtesy: Deepak Ranade

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A heart touching story

Launched on 1st December 2008 "I too had a Love Story" by Ravinder Singh is not just a book but a feeling. A simple writing by this young software professional who has actually not written a book but put down his life, love and feelings on paper and makes you realize that still there are things which are incomplete and will remain the same in this world but will always be very close to our hearts. I am sure most of you might not believe but the story that this book has is a true story of Mr. Ravinder Singh and not fictious. When you start reading the book you get the feeling that somehow you know what you would get to read keeping in mind the other fiction books.

Filled with soft, tender, sweet and emotional moments as you start off to read the book you feel good about the happenings and at moments it brings a smile on your face and makes you wonder is life really so beautiful? Well in my perception I would say yes it is. As you proceed to read you just get carried away with the book and that's when you are not just reading the book but feeling it. All the while when I was reading I could really feel the characters in the book with me and that I am a part of the happenings and incidents in the book. As you progress further although you know what's going to come next you and knowing the fact nothing can change now you still have your fingers crossed and are left with nothing but tears in your eyes.

It's been a while since I read this book but the very thought of the happenings of Mr. Ravinder Singh's life those mentioned in the book brings me down to tears and breaks me down totally and I cry for hours. Even today as I write this short note about the book (perhaps more about my feelings) I am again down with tears and really wish that I could somehow change the things but as mentioned on the cover page of the book itself "Not all love stories are meant to have a perfect ending. Some stay incomplete. Yet they are beautiful in their own way." I would like to thank Mr. Ravinder Singh for taking this as a respect to his love and life and sharing his personal life with the world.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009



you have to think before you speak to me!


my presence ever makes you feel uncomfortable!


you have to thank me for everything i do for you!


you have to say sorry for everything

that you don't do!


you have to ask me for favors!


you think i would not be curious to

know your new philosophy of life!


you go by what i say and do not understand

what i don't say!


you think that listening to your dreams

would put me to sleep!


you think that seeing you in pain, would

not bring a tear to me!


you think I do not remember the first time

we met!


you don't see the thousand ways I try to

make you happy!

The story of Brooklyn Bridge

An engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an idea of building a magnificent suspension bridge connecting New York with the Long Island. He had put forward his idea to the bridge building experts throughout the world but no one was interested even to think about it further and asked John to forget about it. According to them, it was a very difficult task, something, which had never been attempted before and is not practical.

Roebling however was determined and would not think of ignoring his dream. He thought about it day and night and wanted to share it with someone who would believe in his idea. John’s son Washington was a naïve engineer then. He trusted his father’s vision and believed that the bridge could be built.

John and Washington, working together for the first time, developed concepts of how the bridge could be built. A big challenge lay before them, but they were ready to face it as they had excitement and inspiration deep in their heart. They hired their crew and the construction of their dream bridge began on January 3, 1870.

The project started well, but after a year, a tragic accident at the site took John Roebling’s life. Hence, Washington took over and was in charge of the bridge. However, after few months Washington too suffered a paralyzing injury, which left him with certain amount of brain damage. He was not able to walk or talk. With no one to supervise, the construction stopped.

Everyone around the world was negative about the future of the project and felt that it should be taken off as only the Roeblings knew about the plans of construction of the bridge. These remarks hurt and shocked Washington, who lay still on the bed of his hospital. His desire and enthusiasm was still alive. He wanted to get up and continue his work, but his physical condition did not allow him to.

Washington could move only one finger and this gave him an idea. He called his wife Emily and tapped on her arm indicating her to call back the crew and the engineers. This worked well as Emily started understanding Washington’s indications by just the tapping of his finger. She conveyed his instructions to the engineers and soon the construction of the bridge was back at full swing.

For next 11 years, Washington gave instructions by tapping on Emily’s arm and she patiently decoded his messages and relayed them to the crew. The bridge was finally completed and opened with a big celebration in May 1883.

Today, the 5,989 feet Brooklyn Bridge stands over the East River as a tribute to the victory of John and Washington’s strong spirit, will power and determination. It is also a tribute to the engineers who had faith and trust in a man who was half paralyzed and was considered silly by half of the world. The bridge also reflects the love and affection of Emily towards her husband.

The story of Brooklyn Bridge portrays a very good example of having a vision, believing in it and then pursuing it with a never-say-die attitude. No matter what obstacles you face, if you have a dream then go ahead and fulfill it. Have strength of mind and be determined in life.

The names of John Roebling, Washington Roebling and Emily Warren Roebling are inscribed on the bridge as its builders.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Writing a CV that stands out

When you apply to a job opening there would be dozen other candidates applying for the same post. So, how do you ensure your resume stands out from the pile? What is it that companies look for while short-listing candidates? Here is a lowdown.

An entry- level resume

Highlight your non-academic achievements too: At entry-level when you have no industry experience, underscore your other achievements. "Highlight projects that you have done, awards you have bagged and companies you have interned with," says Rajesh AR, VP, temp staffing unit, TeamLease Services.

Companies also give high rating if they see you are a team person and enjoy good inter-personal relationships. So, if you are part of student's associations or an NGO, stress on these points. Of course, academics is the first thing that recruiters see, but extra curricular excellence does count.

Talk only about business interest: Trash the habit of mentioning interests like singing, dancing, music, swimming, painting or astrology. That's a complete passe. "Talk only about your business interest," says Sunil Kalra, consultant to a leading HR firm. And be well prepared. If you say your interest lies in reading, "Then know the book inside, out, upside, down," emphasises Kalra.

Gain proficiency in a professional area: While studying, gain competency in an area that will hold you in good stead in your professional career. Learn basic computer skills. Having done that, move on to adding other skills like Coral Draw if you want to get into computer graphics or learn accounting software Tally if you see your future in accounting.

A mid-level executive's resume

Flexibility and responsibility: When you have gained 3-4 years of experience, review your CV. For a person with 2-4 year's of experience and more, the thrust shifts on industry knowledge and his adaptability in the organisation, among other qualities. "At this stage, cultural fit is given more importance, flexible approach matters and the learning starts playing an important role", says Rajesh AR. The organisation sees if you have been flexible in previous roles and whether you are prepared for a new responsibility.

Personal initiatives: The companies also see the personal initiatives that you have taken to add on to your skill and knowledge base. While it hints your progressive mindset, "It also subtly, positively speaks of your career consciousness", says Kalra. Candidates should highlight those events where their ideas have been implemented; their analytical skills have been applauded.

Other must-dos

Be specific: If you are applying for a position in sales and marketing vertical, a requirement which is across industries, should you tailor your CV every time? Not really. Just be specific and highlight the best fit experiences.

Remain updated: Be aware of the news and current affairs. "Read newspapers", advises Rajesh AR. Read business writers. Focus more on your field

Communication skills: Work on your verbal communication skills and writing skills. Prior to the interview, prepare a list of questions that a recruiter might ask, write down the answers and read it aloud to yourself. Keep your answers to the point. Use these pointers and rest assured you will get an interview call no sooner your CV reaches the recruiter.

Courtesy: Urmila Rao

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

CV writing: Words you should NEVER use

While using the right words can strengthen your CV, the wrong words can cost you the opportunity to bag your dream job. You should ensure that you use the most suitable words to present your candidature but also make sure you do not use wrong or negative words and phrases.

There are certain words which are seen frequently on CVs but actually only serve to irritate recruiters/ interviewers and at times may even cost you the interview call, as they paint a misleading picture of you. In our last article, we saw 10 power words for your CV. This article explains the type of words you should not use on your CV. While you may choose to use them if necessary, for most situations they would be better left out.

Responsible for
This is a very common set of words seen on CVs. While the candidates do not realize, these are a set of most irritating words selectors see on the CVs. Until you provide additional information to show them how did you help the organization with this responsibility, these words are meaningless.

For eg, it doesn't make any sense if you just say "Responsible for promoting the product in north region".

The selector would wonder: When? For how long? What was the outcome? and may finally dump your CV thinking that the candidate is not mature enough. However, if you write "Promoted the product XYZ in "alpha" districts of north India from 2004-2006 achieving a visibility of 75 per cent", it will definitely add value to your CV.

I failed
Never ever use the word "fail", "failed" in your CV. While there is nothing bad about failing in something you do. After all, it is only when one tries that one fails. However, mentioning it on your CV shows that you have nit been able to make your peace with it or recover from it. While you should not lie in your CV, it doe not mean that you need to bare your soul either. Discuss such issues only if asked.

I hate my boss
is another thing which you can absolutely do without on your CV. Discuss only when asked and even then, do not rant and rave. There are chances that the person interviewing you might know your current/ ex-boss.

I've been laid off
Lay offs are hitting almost every sector and noone is really safe. It need not necessarily be your fault that you were laid off, it could just be the effect of the current market situation. So, you don't need to mention the fact that you have been laid off on your CV. If you are called for the interview, you can address the issue then.

I suffer from...
Do not write about your health problems on your CV. They might be minor but may end up costing you an interview call. If you have a break in your career owing to health problems, leave them to be discussed in the interview, if asked.

Family ties
Unless you are applying for a job where the employer has to bear the expenses of your family or the information is going to have an impact on your working conditions, this information is useless to the interviewer.

Political affiliations and inclinations
You may have a political affiliation or inclination but your CV or interview is not the place to talk about it.

Courtesy: Kshipra Singh

Monday, May 25, 2009

Lying at work can be good for your business!

Telling white lies can actually be good for business, says an expert.

Professor Stephen Teo, Associate Dean of Business at the University of Western Sydney, said that lying to boss or a client can actually strengthen the relationship and help businesses run more effectively.

"People practice white lies as a way to manage relationships," quoted Professor Teo as saying.

"It''s okay and often it actually cultivates a better relationship."

"We all want to paint a nice picture and telling a white lie is how people do this," he added.

However stretching the truth can land you into more trouble.

"In terms of legal risk to a business or individuals, a white lie can potentially have serious implications if it's told in the right context," said Lesley Maclou a partner at Harmers Workplace Lawyers.

"A white lie could be the thing that is the catalyst for a deal falling over or termination of employment," she said.

She also advised people to be careful while bending the truth or leaving out important details because if you''re caught there can be serious consequences.

"Beware because something you may think is insignificant could have, in a particular context, significant implications," she added.

Here are some of the most common business lies:

Lies by contractors

1. I''m really excited about your project = I''m really excited about your money.

2. I''m flexible to meet anytime this week = I have no work on at the moment.

3. I''ve been working on that all morning = I''ll start on that this afternoon.

4. I''ve scheduled that in for tomorrow = @#$% I forgot about that, but I''ve just written it down.

5. Do you have a budget in mind? = Can I get away with charging even more than usual?

Lies by clients

1. Your invoice has been processed = I did print your invoice, but left it on the printer.

2. We want something really ''out there'' and quirky = We want something really conservative.

3. I''ll send you a full brief early this week = I''ll send you a wad of random documents next week.

4. Can you just throw something together? = Can you do a proper job but charge a lot less?

5. Can you give me a ballpark figure? = Exactly how much will it be? I''ll hold you to it later.

Courtesy: Uttam Ghosh

Do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car!

Please open the windows after you enter your car and do not turn ON the air-conditioning immediately. According to a research done, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen- take note of the heated plastic smell in your car). In addition to causing cancer, it poisons your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer may also cause miscarriage.Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level... & the people inside the car will inevitably inhale an an excess amount of the toxins. It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for the interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

Never Quit

One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes", I replied.
When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.
"In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. "I would not quit." He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.

Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant... But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots.

Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."

He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots."

"I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. " Don't compare yourself to others .." He said. " The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern ... Yet, they both make the forest beautiful."

Your time will come, " God said to me. " You will rise high! " How high should I rise?" I asked.

How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.

"As high as it can? " I questioned.

"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."

I left the forest and bring back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you. He will never give up on you. Never regret a day in your life.

Good days give you happiness, Bad days give you experiences, Both are essential to life.

A happy and meaningful life requires our continuous input and creativity. It does not happen by chance. It happens because of our choices and actions. And each day we are given new opportunities to choose and act and, in doing so, we create our own unique journey." Keep going...

Happiness keeps you Sweet, Trials keep you Strong, Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you humble , Success keeps You Glowing, but Only God keeps You Going!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Deccan Chargers thrash Delhi Daredevils to storm into the IPL2 Finals

Adam Gilchrist the Deccan Chargers leading from the front took his team into the Finals with an outstanding knock of 85 from just 35 balls. Loosing to the Bangalore Royal Challengers the last night and haven't won any match against the Delhi Daredevils in both the IPL 1st and the 2nd Edition the Deccan Chargers needed to play sensibly. Having won the toss it seemed as if Adam Gilchrist would choose to bat first and put up a challenging total for the Delhi Daredevils but that was not the case. Instead he chose to field first and probably had some plans of restricting the opposition to a defendable total.

Having chosen to field first the Deccan Chargers needed to get to a great bowling start which they did get and the Delhi Daredevils lost their openers in the first over that was bowled by Ryan Harris and the Delhi Daredevils were down to 0/2 in the first over. Having lost both their openers the Daredevils needed a good partnership to take them to a good score and which they did get in the form of Virender Sehwag and Tilakaratne Dilshan. Both the batsmen took the Delhi Daredevils to a score of 82 in their first 10 overs and were looking dangerous. As soon as they teams got to the field to continue the innings after the Strategic Time Out it was all the way the Deccan Chargers game. The Delhi Daredevils being the only team in the IPL 2 having never lost a wicket in the 11th over was taken a back when they lost their captain Virender Sehwag of the bowling of Andrew Symmonds.

Keepin in mind and track the strong batting order of the Daredevils it still seemed quite possible that they could charge to a massive total of somewhere around 170 plus with Dilshan still at the crease and leading from the front. However the Deccan Chargers kept their calm and managed to restrict the Delhi Daredevils to 153/8 off their 20 overs. Provided their was a instance when the Deccan Chargers dropped a couple of catches once again in this match and one being of the dangerous Dilshan it was in the end a very good job done by the team as a whole.

The match being not just an ordinary one but the Semi-Finals the Chargers not only needed a good start by both Adam Gilchrist and Herschelle Gibbs but also needed to play sensibly since they had lost their previous match to the Delhi Daredevils at the point when they were just about to win it. From here on it was all a one man show and the one man was Adam Gilchrist the Deccan Charger captain and he went on to score a massive 85 of just 35 balls with 10 fours and 5 sixes. As Nannes got the ball and started the proceedings for the Daredevils he was thrashed by Gilchrist all over the ground for 5 consecutive boundaries in the very first over of the innings. Although it was not required for Herschelle Gibbs to take any risk since Gilchrist was already looking dangerous at the other end Gibbs ended up getting out in the second over off the bowling of Ashish Nehra for a duck. For the first time in the IPL 2 Gilchrist happened to make and interesting move and got Azhar Bilakhia at the crease instead of Suman at the loss of their first wicket.

With Azhar giving all the support to his captain stayed for a long time at the crease and on the other end Adam Gilchrist just was unstoppable and banged each and every bowler all around the ground and went on to score the fastest 50 of the IPL ever of just 17 balls. He hit consecutive 3 sixes off the bowling of Virender Sehwag and hit him for a massive 25 runs in just 1 over. After scoring just 10 runs off 20 balls and giving a handsome support to his captain Azhar had to depart when he came down the track off the bowling of Amit Mishra and got stumped. However it did not matter much for the Deccan Chargers as they were already a way ahead of the Daredevils in all aspects. When it just seemed that the Chargers would steal away the match from the Daredevils in just 13 to 14 overs Adam Gilchrist got out off the last ball of the 10th over just before the Strategic Time Out. What a knock it was and the captain leading from the front now there was no one stopping the Deccan Chargers from charging into the Finals with a lot of batting and overs left and a very few more runs to get. The Chargers were a 102/3 off their 10 overs.

Just after the Strategic Time Out when it seemed as if the Deccan Chargers would slow down since they had lost the wicket of the dangerous Adam Gilchrist it was not the case and Andrew Symmonds went on to hit 2 boundaries in the 11th over and seemed in no mood to drag it long. After hitting some good shots and 1 being out of the boundary line Andrew Symmonds got out in the 14th over. He scored 24 off 15 balls with 2 boundaries and a six. It was now on Rohit Sharma and Suman to take the Chargers home with a wonderful never forgetting victory. Although the Chargers had two set batsmen at the crease and the Deccan Chargers were eyeing that victory somewhere in the 15th over at the maximum both the batsmen stayed at the crease for a longer period than expected but played really sensibly and cautiously to take their team into the Finals. The Deccan Chargers acheived their target in 17.4 overs with just 4 wickets down and thrashed the Delhi Daredevils out of the tournament.

The Deccan Chargers now take on the winners of the 2nd Semi-Finals on Sunday (24-05-2009).

Chargers loose but Charge into the Semi-Finals

On Thursday (21-05-2009) the Deccan Chargers lost yet another match but still made it to the Semi-Finals due to their outstanding NRR (Net Run Rate). This time it was none other than the Bangalore Royal Challengers that out witted the Deccan Chargers. An outstanding performance by the young Indian Manish Pandey who scored a brilliant 114 off 73 balls with 10 fours and 4 sixes and remained unbeaten. Thanks to RP Singh who dropped his catch when he was on just on 2. With this outstanding performance Manish Pandey charged and took the Bangalore Royal Challengers to a high score of 170out of their alloted 20 overs.

Needing a 171 to win the match and march into the Semi-Finals with a win the Deccan Chargers started their innings with the usual pair of Adam Gilchrist and Herschelle Gibbs. As Gilchrist got out early for just 15 Herschelle Gibbs kept his momentum going and scored a brilliant 60 off 43 balls with 3 boundaries and 4 sixes however could not take the Chargers home with a victory. On one end if there was a brilliant performance by Gibbs then on the other end the others did not perform very well and as expected and Andrew Symmonds, Rohit Sharma, Venugopal Rao and Suman could together score only 50 runs.

With loosing all the way from the time Herschelle Gibbs got out the Deccan Chargers could manage 158 with the loss of 6 wickets out of their alloted 20 overs and lost the match by 12 runs. However it did not matter much for the Chargers as they got into the Semi-Finals with their better Net Run Rate than the Kings XI Punjab.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Colour's magic decoded

Colours play a huge role in our daily lives. Not only do they can help us recover from diseases or psychological disorders, but they can also enhance our personality and even bring back lost long luck. So, if you also are looking out for a magic wand to mend your life, think the colour-way for a solution!

Here’s a lowdown on a few colours and their effect on your professional and personal life.

White is considered as the colour of peace. So painting your room in white always makes the occupant feel light and peaceful. Dr. Surjmal Shastri, Vastu expert saqys, “White is a healing colour with purifying vibrations and can be used to clear blocked energies”.
Colour Coded : Brides wear white as it symbolises innocence and purity. Wearing white clothing, decorating your home in white or just enjoying this colour in nature will help you find truth and honesty. Wearing white, when wanting to make a fresh start and embrace newness will help. If you are craving for a settled life and are on the hunt out for a simpler, less stressful phase of life include more of white into your life. White colour is not just associated with truth, but it also helps you to find the truth in people and situations.

The colour of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colours. Considered to be very spiritual, blue colour contains clarity, cleansing, healing and protective qualities. It is a known fact that people are more productive inhabiting blue rooms, so painting your office cabin blue will help. Using this colour, whether wearing it, lighting candles of this colour or decorating an entire room with it draws wisdom, harmony and peace.
Colour Coded : Choosing blue in your wardrobe, decorating your home in this colour, or enjoying it in nature, will help feel calm and relieve stress in life. If you need to communicate all your thoughts, feelings and ideas with others then this colour will be helpful. It is perfect to wear something in this colour for job interviews.

Purple has always been associated with mysticism and magic. Purple has a strong energy that can open up the subconscious, allowing deep knowledge and psychic abilities to get enhanced. It is ideal for meditation as it allows focus without distraction. Being the innermost colour of the spectrum of light, it helps in balancing the mind and transforms obsessions and fears. It brings peace to an over active mind, acting like a sedative. It is a very powerful, psychic colour and stimulates intuition and imagination.
Colour Coded : To help you attune to your own psychic powers and psychic development, wear more of this colour. Wearing clothes in purple help make communication easier, apart from helping you meditate and enhance your intuition. If you have worries and doubts particularly in relation to your own psychic connections, then this colour can really help you.

For centuries pink has been the colour of universal love as it generates a feeling of gentle warmth and nurturing. Pink colour lessens feelings of anger and irritability with a sense of love and protection. Pink also helps you do away with the feelings of loneliness, unhappiness and vulnerability.
Colour Coded : Using pink for clothing and decorating your home will help you attract more love into your life. So wear something in pink if you want to attract a potential love partner. Or just wear it when you are in need of de-stressing and are seeking peace of mind. Using pink gemstones promotes love, self-worth, order and protection from violence or aggression.

Yellow is associated with the expression of thoughts and the intellect. It can therefore aid the powers of memory, clear thinking and facilitates decision-making and good judgement. While it is considered an optimistic colour, people lose their temper more often in yellow rooms, and babies tend to cry more in yellow surroundings. It is the most difficult colour for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused.
Colour Coded : Wearing yellow, decorating your home in this colour, or just enjoying this colour within nature will help you adopt a cheery, uplifting and positive personality. For people who are feeling down or are undertaking a study of some kind, wearing this colour does wonders. Using it as an accent colour in an office or study helps sharpen your mind, improve memory and clear decision making. This colour is perfect for undertaking new areas of study and at the same time it also enhances inspirational and creative ideas.

Currently the most popular decorating colour, green symbolises nature. It is the easiest colour on the eye and can improve vision. Green has a strong association with nature, fertility and life. You instinctively seek it out when under stress or experiencing emotional difficulties. Feelings of comfort, relaxation, calmness, and space are the traits of this colour.
Colour Coded : You should wear green and decorate your home in this colour to help bring balance back into your life. Also, it is easy to enjoy this colour in nature - it is all around you! This colour is thought to be incredibly lucky and you should wear this this colour when choosing lottery numbers etc. If you are looking for a job change, prospects of growth or freedom to pursue new ideas then include more of green into your life. Green is also considered to be colour of healthy relationships.

Orange is an excellent colour for creativity and is known as a ‘sociable’ colour. It stimulates the mind, renews interest in life, creativity and makes you grow fonder of socialising. The colour is a great motivator and allows you to accept and be open to exciting change.
Colour Coded : Using orange for clothing, decorating your home or just enjoying this colour within nature will help you bring excitement of newer things to your life. Because of its sociabile association, you should wear something in this colour when wanting to meet new people or wanting freedom to pursue new ideas.

We always associate red with love. The most emotionally intense colour, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. Red is a very strong motivational and energetic colour. It adds vibrant energy to the root chakra to strengthen the body and promotes will power and courage.
Colour Coded : Wear red to help motivate and energise you. Using red to decorate your home or wearing red clothing will bring passion and excitement in your life. If you are craving adventure and new exciting experiences then include more of the colour red into your life.

A solid and reliable hue, brown is the colour of earth and is both nurturing and comforting. It gives a sense of security and connectivity to nature and to animals. The colour brown is very healing and protective and can help balance the emotions.
Colour Coded : Wear this colour, decorate your home or just enjoy it within nature to help you become stable. It helps you keeps your feet on the ground and gives you strength and determination to get any job done. If you are craving security, dependability and reliability then include more of the colour in your life.

Black is the colour of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. Black is not strictly a colour as it is the absence of all colour. It absorbs all aspects of light. Although this colour has some negative association it does in fact enhance any positive elements given by other colours.
Colour Coded : Using black for clothing or for an accent colour for home décor can convey an air of mystery, sophistication and elegance. If you are craving a need for change and transformation and for getting rid of the old and embracing the ne,w then use this colour. But this colour can have a negative impact on your relationship so don’t overdue its use.

Courtesy: Vaibhav Choudhary

Being lonely: As injurious as smoking!

“When you’re missing friends and family, blood pressure may soar and your immune system weakens,” say researchers at the Chicago University.

Studies have shown that people with a good network of friends tend to live longer than those without friends. They’re also less likely to fall victim to depression. However, loneliness is more common these days. We live longer, have fewer children and are more likely to move away from our home towns and often, we’re no longer part of close-knit communities.

Health effects
Raises blood pressure : The most lonely people had blood pressure readings 30 points higher than the most sociable, making them three times more likely to get heart disease or have a stroke, as compared to those with normal blood pressure.

Lowers immunity : High levels of the stress hormone cortisol is found to be more common in lonely people. It can suppress the ability to fight off infection.
Interferes with sleep: Loneliness interferes with sleep and poor sleep is linked to obesity and depression.

Encourages bad habits : The lonelier you are, the more likely you are to eat fatty, sugary foods and the less likely you are to exercise.

Faster progression of Alzheimer’s : It’s not known why loneliness affects Alzheimer’s, but it’s true that it could be the result of a lack of mental stimulation.

How you can get connected
Make the effort with family : Ask your family to stay in touch and try to plan regular meetings. If you have more spare time than them, accept that you may have to do more of the running around. Meanwhile, stay in touch with them through phone calls, texts and e-mails.

Get out of the house daily : Even if it’s just to go to the shop, make an effort to go out. Smile at people and make conversation with someone you see regularly. Smiling not only releases feel-good chemicals, but it also attracts people.

Learn a new skill : Learning something new keeps your brain active. Sometimes, it could open up a whole new world.

Exercise : Not only does regular exercise help prevent heart disease and chances of a stroke, it can also slow the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Join a group : If you choose something you’re really interested in — whether it’s walking, reading or music — you’ll instantly find that you’re with like-minded people.

Be a volunteer : People who do voluntary work for two hours a week have lower depression rates and better health than those who don’t.

Get a pet : Owning a pet helps lower blood pressure, boost immunity and ease depression. And walking a dog every day is a great way to get out and meet people.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Chargers left starving for 1 run

In the most disappointing match of the tournament the Deccan Chargers lost to the Kings XI Punjab on Sunday (17-05-2009). After their poor performance with the bowl but a classic show by Rohit Sharma with the bat on Saturday against the Kolkata Knight Riders the Deccan Chargers went in to play against the Kings XI Punjab without any rest for the players. Although it seemed as if the players might be stressed and tired the bowlers did a better job than their previous match and restricted the Kings XI Punjab to 134/7 in 20 overs after the Deccan Chargers captain Adam Gilchrist winning the toss elected to field first. RP Singh picket up 3 wickets to move up the order for claiming the Purple Cap with total 19 wickets in the tournament. Andrew Symmonds, Venugopal Rao and Pragyan Ojha being the best with the ball were just given 2 overs each to bowl. Kumar Sangakkara was the pick of the batsmen for the Kings XI Punjab, he scored 56 off 43 balls with 4 boundaries and 1 six.

However after a good start with the ball the Deccan Chargers needed to get to a good start considering the fact the ball might turn in the later part of the match. As always Adam Gilchrist went onto hit some big shots and the Chargers were 30/0 in 3 overs. When it just seemed at the end of the 3rd over Adam Gilchrist was on fire, Yuvraj Singh made the change in bowling and took the risk of introducing a spinner (Ramesh Powar) in the 5th over with fielding restrictions still on. A change that could have costed the Kings XI Punjab turned out to be a match turner in the initial stage. Adam Gilchrist tried to hit over the top by coming down the wicket but was completely deceived by the spin and was stumped by the wicket keeper. With Just a 104 runs to get off 94 balls for victory and Herschelle Gibbs and Suman at the crease it seemed quite easy but that was not the end and Suman lost his wicket on the very first ball he faced, looking to drive a flighted delivery Suman lost completely on the spin and was bowled by Ramesh Powar. With 2 wickets in 2 balls the Deccan Chargers seemed to be in trouble and pressure but with Andrew Symmonds coming to the crease and hitting a 4 of the first delivery he faced it eased out the pressure for the Chargers.

Both Gibbs and Symmonds played sensibly to take the Chargers to a good score at the end of 10th over and the Chargers were 65/2. Though the score was less it seemed as if the Chargers will be home comfortably but that never happened. Gibbs got out on the last ball of the 12th over off Yuvraj bowling and soon on the first 2 balls of the 14th over Yuvraj claimed the wickets of Symmonds and Venugopal Rao and became the first bowler to claim 2 hat-tricks in the IPL in the same season. With the Chargers down to 81/5 in the 14th over the responsibility was once again on Rohit Sharma to take them to victory and as expected Rohit Sharma tried his best and hit Wilkin Mota for 18 runs in the 18th over. With the Chargers needing anonther 26 runs to win in the last 2 overs and Ravi Teja on strike, he had to give his best to bring Rohit Sharma on strike and while trying to do so Ravi Teja got run out and lost his wicket off Brett Lee's bowling. However, Rohit Sharma was back on strike and he hit a 4 and a 6 off Brett Lee and stealed a single off the last ball to keep the strike in the last over when the Chargers needed just 11 runs to win. It seemed as if the Chargers had taken away the match since the 11 runs were not very difficult to get seeing the performance of Rohit Sharma the previous night against Kolkata Knight Riders, who scored a massive 26 runs of the last over to take the Chargers to a stunning victory.

As Irfan Pathan came onto bowl in the last over Rohit Sharma scored 6 runs off the first 2 balls. Now needing 5 to win from 4 balls seemed quite possible and with a wide on the 3rd ball and needing 4 off 4 balls was never a tough task is what everyone would have thought but on the 3rd ball that was re-bowled due to a wide proved to be unlucky for the Chargers and Rohit Sharma missed a slow ball completely and the ball hit the stumps leaving the Chargers with a target of 4 runs to get to win in 3 balls. The new batsmen RP Singh on strike tried to score but couldn't on the first ball he faced and the target to still 4 off 2 balls made RP Singh try for a big one with no options left and he got a top edge and Pathan took the catch off his own bowling to leave the Deccan Chargers starving for the last 4 runs they needed to win the match. Though the next batsmen in was Jaskaran Singh he was not on strike since by the time catch was taken Ryan Harris had crossed the pitch and was now on strike. With 4 runs to get to victory and 3 to tie the match the Deccan Chargers needed a huge shot which Ryan Harris did try but could manage only 2 off the last ball leaving the Chargers with a loss by just a mere 1 run. What a disappointing and bad time for the Deccan Chargers team, management as well the fans.

Considering the fact Deccan Chargers would have won the match they would have moved up the points table to the 1st position above the Delhi Daredevils and also into the Semis. The Deccan Chargers who are still down with 14 points at the 3rd position now need to win their final match against the Bangalore Royal Challengers on Thursday to make their place into the Semi-Finals.