Sunday, November 22, 2009

He is just that not into you

Alright, I really and seriously do not know what I should write about this movie. Well it’s all about what a girl/women interprets when a man has to say something to her. This movie is about showing how women end up assuming things which men do not tend to say and at time assuming them in a wrong way. It is about how women try to pull men into things which do not actually interest the men and always have to say to each other (just to console) he definitely loves you, he is really missing you when that is actually not the case on the men’s side.

It is a story about married couples, unmarried and living in, looking to get into a relationship, in a relationship but confused and looking for more being in a relationship. At the end as it always is, true love wins over everything and there is nothing beyond true love.

Some find it in the partner they are with and some find it outside crossing the boundaries after all it’s all you want in your lives (true love). Women seem to be more demanding when it comes to love and men do not seem to respond and always feel it as a complication and problem. This movie is just about how people desperately want to love and be loved.

It takes you through all ups and downs we now-a-days see in real life between couples but at the same time it sends out a good message of how you can keep moving in life with your relationships. A sweet movie with lots of drama, passion, emotion and comedy as well. Not really a bad watch, 3.5/5 is it deserves on a whole.

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